26 July 2023
Scout Spotlight | Steve Loar
Get to know Steve Loar, Software Engineer at Launch Scout
What’s the best part of your job? I love solving puzzles and chasing down bugs.
What/who inspired you to pursue the career you have today? In college, I needed to do statistical work on a large set of data, so I wrote a program that did that and produced rose diagrams. I got hooked doing that and ended up changing the direction of my life.
What Launch Scout value do you align with most? It Takes a Team
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received? Learn to say ‘no’.
What do you like to do in your free time? Horseback riding, specifically contests like barrel racing. It’s a team effort where you and your teammate, the horse, must work together to bring your best effort.
Lightning Round
If I was reincarnated I’d like to come back as An artist.
What is one thing you can’t live without? Coffee.
If you had $10,000 to spend on one item what would it be? A car. I’m not into cars, but mine is 14 years old.
What’s your go-to hot beverage order? Coffee.
How old is your oldest pair of shoes? An old pair of cowboy boots that are 18 years old.
Favorite movie(s)? Netflix. I rarely watch an entire movie.
Favorite album(s)? Spotify - what’s an album?
Favorite binge show? Netflix - I’ll surf, but never watch something more than once.
Favorite vacation spot? Europe - Good food and wine, lots of old interesting stuff.
One thing most people don’t know about you? I only do gardening in the Spring, after that I grow weeds.