8 August 2013
I'm speaking at Windy City Rails!
I’ll be speaking at Windy City Rails on September 12th!
At Gaslight we’ve been using Rails to build a logistics system with custom hardware components. Overall the project has been a big success but also a significant learning experience. We’re handling concurrency between the hardware and our app at multiple levels. We use Resque/Redis, websockets, and manage a wide range of hardware components with different interfaces. If you want to use Rails to create an application that interfaces with hardware I think you’ll enjoy this talk.
Here is the abstract:
Where does Rails fit in the world of hardware projects? The agile culture and rapid development times associated Ruby on Rails make it a great option for developing user interfaces that integrate with hardware in the physical world. However, working with hardware brings new challenges beyond that of a typical web app.
On a recent project we communicated with custom hardware using byte-based protocols, bridged the gap between stateless web requests and on-going hardware communication, and used rich-client technologies for real-time interaction with hardware. This talk will cover all of these topics and more to help you succeed on a hardware project and expose you to the fun world of hardware hacking.