9 January 2014
We're Presenting At CodeMash!
Chris Nelson
Fri, Jan 10 1:45PM - 2:45PM Zambezi Room
Component-Oriented: The Past and Future of Web Development
Swing a stick in a crowded room full of web developers. You are almost guaranteed to hit someone who has worked with an MVC framework, and can probably name both a client side and server side example. But MVC, as it’s typically defined, is not the only game in town. Component oriented frameworks have been giving developers a more productive and enjoyable way to build web apps for 10 years, and today the approach is gaining serious attention on the client side. Come see what component oriented development looks like, how it lets us work at a better level of abstraction and gives us a better way for designers and developers to work together. We’ll also look at how the component oriented paradigm is finding new life on the client in both W3C standards and the most popular client side frameworks of right now.